As announced at the end of June, the Government determined that “all Public Administration services and entities that provide face-to-face service to the public”, regardless of whether or not they are part of a Citizen's Store, will ensure opening hours “without the need prior appointment, with a daily frequency”. Delivering a document by issuing a simplified means also no longer requires prior scheduling.

At the same time, public services will have to start publishing information in Portuguese and English about this service in an “adequate, complete and updated” way, either on their websites or in physical locations, in addition to having to indicate “in real time” the waiting time. The Telephone Translation Service must be publicised through the Migrant Support Line of the Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum (AIMA).

For citizens with disabilities or incapacity, elderly people, pregnant women, and people accompanied by infants, vouchers will be made available for priority service, and services under the supervision of the State must resolve any “physical accessibility constraints”.

In the Resolution, the Government also asks each entity to prepare a study, to be delivered “within 180 days”, which includes “surveying the quantity and training adequacy of the services’ human resources for public service functions, as well as any necessary improvements to the physical facilities where [this] is available”; the “identification of services exclusively provided in person, justifying such need or the susceptibility of their dematerialisation”; and the “evaluation of the impacts of the teleworking regime on service workers” for compliance with in-person service.

Luís Montenegro's Executive also leaves a recommendation addressed to the bodies of the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores and local authorities, as well as to regional and local administration entities, to adopt these rules so that they “are applied uniformly” in the country.

These measures are part of the Public Administration reform carried out by the Government of Luís Montenegro, one of whose pillars is customer service. Other changes include, for example, the concentration of ministries in the former headquarters of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), the strengthening of public policy planning capacity, and the promotion of networking. The plan will allow savings of 23 million euros per year.